Presentations & Publications

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September 20, 2006
NCTM Regional Meeting

Algebra is more than just a high school course sequence. Certain habits of mind lead to algebraic proficiency across the grades, and Computer Algebra Systems can help develop these habits.

March 19, 2007
NCSM Annual Meeting

This presentation looks at effective approaches to topics across the high school curriculum, including algebra word problems, geometric proofs, mathematical induction, and optimization.

May 14, 2007
Critical Issues in Education Workshop: Teaching and Learning Algebra, MSRI Workshop

The development of CME Project began in 1992 with a grant from NSF to develop a geometry course, but the basic principles upon which the program rests evolved over nearly four decades.

May 21, 2007
NCTM Annual Meeting
June 16, 2007
Texas Instruments 4th Annual USACAS Conference

EDC and Texas Instruments have enjoyed a close working relationship for nearly 20 years.

June 17, 2007
4th Annual USACAS Conference

The panelists, all of whom are U.S.

August 1, 2007
Pearson Prentice Hall
September 7, 2007
Ninth International Conference "Mathematics Education in a Global Community"

This talk describes CME Project, an NSF-funded four-year comprehensive high school mathematics curriculum being developed by Education Development Center, Inc.

November 15, 2007
a symposium sponsored by EDC's Center for Mathematics Education and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

The symposium provided teachers of Algebra 2 and other grade 11–12 high school courses with a chance to

March 1, 2008
T3 International Conference

As CME Project (published by Pearson Education) was developed, the development team found many cases where technology, especially a Computer Algebra System (CAS), enhanced the desire to de

April 9, 2008
NCTM Annual Meeting

For many students, the utility of mathematics lies in a style of work—the habits of mind that allow one to look at the world through a mathematical lens.

April 9, 2008
NCTM Annual Meeting

Using strategies from a new, NSF-funded curriculum, CME Project, this presentation shows techniques to help students develop and write formal proofs in algebra and geometry, with special a

April 23, 2008
NCTM Annual Meeting

Internet navigation, spreadsheet use, financial decisions, and cell phone programming all require the abilities to reason about calculations, develop algorithms, use symbols, and describe relations

May 2, 2008
Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum (CSMC) Second International Curriculum Conference: Future Curricular Trends in School Algebra and Geometry,
May 14, 2008
Critical Issues in Education Workshop: Teaching and Learning Algebra

An examination of the day-to-day work of high school teachers shows that fundamental ideas and results from abstract algebra, linear algebra, and number theory are useful tools for teaching high sc

June 28, 2008
USACAS Conference

The human mind can establish facts about mathematical objects even when the objects are difficult (or impossible) to write down explicitly.

September 25, 2008
The Future of High School Mathematics Conference

The Center for Mathematics Education at the University of Maryland, along with "Math Is More" and a group of progressive curriculum development projects, hosted a conference of leaders in high scho

December 4, 2008
ME 558 — Mathematics Curriculum: Issues and Trends, Boston University

This talk was given to students in Suzanne Chapin's class on mathematics curricula.

February 12, 2009
Seminari di Geometria Dinamica, Sapienza, Università di Roma

In addition to its uses as an experimental tool and a medium in which to model mathematical phenomena, dynamic geometry environments can help students develop mathematical ways of thinking, especia

March 5, 2009
Seminario di Didattica della Matematica, Sapienza, Università di Roma

Computer algebra systems can be used to help high school students build computational models of algebraic systems and structures.
